Guitar Lessons

I can teach you to begin to play guitar and improve your guitar playing.  Here are some of the things you can learn:

  • Songs from various genres
  • Notes, intervals, scales
  • Chords and chord progressions
  • Music theory
  • Learn the guitar fretboard
  • Rhythm and strumming
  • Song accompaniment
  • Improvisation / lead guitar riffs
  • Finger-picking
  • Fingerstyle guitar playing
  • Fingerstyle song arranging

You can learn guitar either via Group Lessons or Private Lessons.  If you are interested in guitar lessons, please contact me.

Here are the course descriptions for my guitar classes at the Godnick Center (Rutland Recreation Dept.).

Guitar Notes: 6 sessions
Learn to play some song melodies, guitar riffs, and scales, including some basic blues / rock scales (used in improvising, lead guitar).  Beginners will learn to play notes in first position.  Intermediate players can learn to play notes farther up guitar neck.

Guitar Chords: 6 sessions
Learn to play 1st position guitar chords for song accompaniment.  Play chord progressions and songs in various music genres.  Learn to strum basic rhythms, count beats and read chord notation.  Explore picking and fingerpicking patterns.  Beginners will focus on 1st position chords.  Intermediate players can explore moveable chord shapes along the guitar neck.

Please register for these courses through the Rutland Rec Dept. website, or call 802-773-1822